Coins earn in Pokémon Go - this is how the coin system 2022 works

Who wants to buy Pokemon Go one or the other item in the In game Shop requires the corresponding poke coins. We from Mango show you how you can get 50 of these coins for free daily and what options there is also to come to the in game currency.

What coins are? In Pokémon Go there is its own currency, so-called Polecats. With these coins you can buy in the In game Shop Items, such as breeding machines, lucky eggs, remote-raid passes or lock modules as well as expand your Item or Pokémon bag.

So that you can collect the corresponding coins, there is a coin system in Pokémon Go, which brings you up to 50 free daily. In addition, you can buy more coins against real money in the In game Shop.

So you can earn free coins

What do you have to do? So that you can secure the free coins, you must first occupy at least one arena with your monster. That makes her by attacking an arena of another color and hitting the fight itself.

For this you only need to click on the symbol with the + on the right screen, which opens your Pokémon storage. Now choose a monster and put it in the arena.

If the desired arena has already been taken over before your team color, then you have the opportunity to simply add. As after the fight you can choose from the + here too your desired monster.

Maximum can sit up to 6 Pokémon a team color in an arena and defend them. So the arena is already full, you have to look for another.

How do you get the collected coins?

How long has a monster sitting in the arena? For the time that your monsters spent in the Arena, you can collect coins. For a full 10 minutes you get a poke coin. So only occupies an arena, then your Pokémon must sit there for 8 hours and 20 minutes until you reach the maximum, your 50 daily coins.

Overall, you can occupy up to 20 different arenas each with one Pokémon. This makes it possible for you to reach the daily coins faster, and you do not have to defend the arenas so long. The question of how long a monster can stay in an arena, we have answered you in our subsequent guide:

Pokemon Go get free coins | How to hack coins Pokemon Go 2021 How to get the coins: You only get the coins when your monsters are kicked out of the arena. The maximum limit is daily at 50 coins. So have you occupied several arenas, and it comes back to a day more than a Pokémon, then only a maximum of 50 coins will be credited, no matter how much longer the monsters have occupied the arenas.

Although you have occupied an arena, but your monster does not come back this day, then you do not receive the collected coins. It will then be kicked the next day, you only get the maximum 50 coins despite the long defensive time.

If your Pokémon comes back earlier, then you will receive the proportional coins. After an hour that would be 6 pieces, for example.

Tips on coin system in Pokémon Go

Effective defense: So you will not return directly from the occupied arena, you should set a good defense. Uses monsters who do not let up so easily, like Hectares, one of the best defenders in Pokémon Go.

In addition, you should keep an eye on your arenas regularly so that you can feed your monsters in the event of an attack. As soon as the heart of your Pokémon loses color, it is no longer really motivated and opponents can then defeat it easier. Due to the feeding of berries, you fill up the heart again. So it's worth feeding in between.

If you use a golden heaven tire, the motivation rises directly back to the maximum. This berry is therefore especially suitable during a fight. BUT ATTENTION: Within 30 minutes you can only feed a maximum of 10 berries per Pokémon.

Occupy several arenas: Anyone who lives in a city or region in which the airlines are reversed very quickly and often, should rather be a bit wide and equal to several arenas. As a result, it shortens the time in the respective arenas to completely preserve your daily coins.

While you have collected the full 50 coins in an arena only after 8 hours and 20 minutes, you reach these at 5 occupied arenas already after 1 hour and 40 minutes.

That's how you get more coins

In addition to the 50 free coins, which you can make a maximum of you daily, you have the opportunity to buy you against real money in the Ingame-Shop appropriate coin packages. Opens the in game shop of the game and scroll down to the point Pokémünzen.

As you can see the image, you have the choice between small packages from 100 poke coins to large packages with 14,500 pokes. Here, however, the larger relation to the smaller ones are significantly cheaper. This is well worth it especially for trainers who regularly purchase additional coins in the shop. How do you find the current coin system in Pokémon Go? Do you buy regularly additional coins in the shop or are enough for the free 50 coins? Write us your opinion and experience here on Mango in the comments. You are looking for Ditto? We show you how your Ditto and Shiny-Ditto 2022 can catch.


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