Away: The Survival Series: Stuffed Shorthead Gliding Beutler Fight Fart from September

On the 28th of September it will be serious for the thoughtful bag to the future. On this day, his survival adventure Away appears: The Survival Series, in which one goes to a journey through the wilderness. Manufacturer Breaking Walls has announced that the download version for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4 and PC (via Steam) appears.

PS4 and PS5 also get a physical commercial version (distributed by Perp Games) on October 1, so that the real pets have something to nibble. Users of Microsoft's consoles, on the other hand, can not bite at all at all: the implementation for the Xbox One gets an appointment later.

In addition to Jump & Run inserts, encounters with the threatening fauna are also waiting for the game. Conversely, you can also hunt yourself on smaller crawls. How the game works in practice is presented again in a video.

Rules of Survival - 2017 vs 2018 vs 2019 *sad & emotional*

_ Away: The Survival Series makes you a star in your own nature dok and explore forests, scraps you past your enemies and hunt your prey, while a narrator commented each of your moves. Away is a story-based survival adventure that is a story-based survival adventure Play the future in which nature has recaptured the planet and you have to save your family as a small bag. Gliding over deep abyss, jump from tree to tree and climb on the peaks of trees while you discover the wilderness of the future!


  • Single player, story-based adventure - 5-10 hours game time.
  • Games as a bag that has to save his family - episode of the main story or fulfilling side quests to discover the secrets of leaving the world of Away .
  • Er counter as in a natural doku.
  • _Geeßen the magical orchestral soundtrack of the award-winning composer Mike Raznick, which has been involved in BBCS Life and Planet Earth II.
  • Renne, Jumping, Climbing and sliding through a lively active world full of unique plants, insects and animals.
  • Jage Your prey, fight against larger enemies or use sneaking and speed to escape the Apex predators unnoticed .
  • _Schlüpfe in the role of other creatures of the wild like beetles, lizards, crabs and more! _


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